Agricultural industry Seed industry

Good planning even before the next harvest

Seed industry

Modern seed breeding

The integration of SAP (systems, applications and products) into the agricultural industry has increased in recent years. SAP and BA Business Advice enable better holistic planning and evaluation of processes, mobile data collection, legal compliance and sustainability goals.

Optimizing the supply chain is becoming increasingly valuable, as the agricultural industry has to plan its processes from two sides. On the one hand there is the market with its ever-changing demands and trends and on the other hand there is agricultural production with its unpredictable environmental and natural influences.

BA Business Advice, with its many years of experience in the agricultural sector and integration into SAP, offers you the help you need to manage your financial processes, order processing and inventory management, as well as the connection and integration of industry-specific special software.

Im inneren eines Gewächshauses mit Regalen voller grüner Pflanzen

The seed industry is of great importance to global agriculture and plays a key role in the provision of high-quality seeds for various crops. It therefore requires special processes and functions, from variety registration to the traceability of the product to the farmer.

  • Top-down/bottom-up sales planning and comparison at variety/product level, market expectations#
  • Query / planning of propagators and fields with crop rotations
  • Perennial propagation planning, also for hybrids and cuttings
  • Basic seed planning
  • Planning of propagator requirements and contract processing
  • Planning license requirements
  • Planning of dressing and packaging requirements
  • Creation of contracts (contracts) for propagation, licenses and quantities
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Web store
  • Project (management) for breeding
  • License management and accounting
  • Variety directory
  • Basic seed
  • Variety master data plant
  • Field and crop rotation management
  • Field diary
  • Propagation contract (quality parameters, service remuneration,…)
  • Field inspection and rolling harvest expectation
  • Seed recognition
  • Sampling (batch management, laboratory connection)
  • Harvest logistics
  • Delivery
  • Quality inspections: Approvals, laboratory and trolley connection
  • Availability and production planning (MRP, PP/DS, IBP, …)
  • Preparation: drying, cleaning, calibration
  • Mixing
  • pickling
  • Packaging
  • Subcontracting


The seed industry is an international economic sector that is exposed to corresponding conditions. Fluctuating exchange rates, political and economic uncertainties ensure constant change.

In addition, there are further regulatory framework conditions such as price pressure from the end consumer and dwindling acreage. We are familiar with these challenges and are happy to support you in mastering them.


The rapidly increasing digitalization of business processes continues unabated.

Modern technology and the use of tailor-made software enable individual adaptation to the respective needs. In the peak season, when all processes need to be well coordinated, a smooth workflow can ensure the company’s competitiveness.


Breeding goals are constantly evolving and global challenges such as climate change require continuous innovation. In order to ensure that people are fed, but also to meet customer requirements, it is essential that seed breeders focus, for example, on increasing yields, minimizing crop losses and making varieties more robust. So that you can focus on the development of your company, we take over the processes and design them entirely according to your needs.


During the peak season, everything has to happen very quickly. An SAP solution must support a wide range of processes with user-friendly, error-avoiding functions.

These include, for example:

  • Customer order entry

  • Field production

  • Labeling and mobile applications

  • Seed disposition

  • Contract processing and manufacturing

  • Seed certification

  • Preparation/calibration

  • Staining/packaging

  • Silo and storage bin management

  • Connection of laboratories

  • Multiplier billing

Business processes

In addition, processes must be supported that do not exist in this form in other sectors, for example:

  • Propagation planning

  • Management of cultivation areas

  • Reporting to recognition bodies

  • Fruit (crop) species and variety management

  • Management of breeding categories

and interfaces to:

  • Recognition offices

  • Multipliers

  • Conditioner

  • Licensee/licensor

contact person

Andrea-Nobis Tibbe
Sales Managerin
Tel.: +49 441 309006-0

Interested? Get in touch with us! We look forward to talking to you!